I am going to take a different approach with this post by writing from a pessimistic perspective, then provide ways to counter that perspective with practical and usable advice. I am currently on vacation in the Central American paradise that is Belize and we have been experiencing tropical storm strength winds and rain for almost 24 hours.
“I can’t believe I paid thousands of dollars to come this far trying to escape the 30’ weather to deal with rain and wind imprisoning me in my beachfront cabana! How can I possibly find some positive in this miserable situation?” Does that sound like something you would say? Let’s take a deeper look.
Challenge 1: Small spaces for a long time with people (Stir-Crazy)
When you’re rained-in with someone, it’s easy to drive each other crazy. We often turn to the conveniences of modern technology like TV or computers (the internet). I am with my girlfriend on this vacation and we had to figure out some way to deal with the weather-induced solitude. We could have just sat on our phones ignoring each other, complaining about the weather, the spotty internet service and how it is really dampening our vacation. But that would have been like paying money to complain and do what we can do anywhere in the world for free. We chose the optimist approach and sought out unique ways to enjoy our time together!
What do You Really Know About Your Spouse?
We decided to use the intimate quality time together to get to know ourselves and one another a little better. With the mindset muscle manual as our guide we began to explore the questions and answer them on our own. We then discussed them together. This was really fun and enlightening as it gave us a chance to see the questions from each other’s point of view and opened up new ways of communicating as a couple. The introspective questioning process also gave each of us a chance to look deeper into what we really want and need in our lives to be content.
Challenge 2: The Rain Makes It Difficult to Enjoy the Beach and Sea
“The rain is so cold, it hurts, and it weighs you down. I just want to get under the covers and hide until the sun comes out. I can’t deal with this sad weather on a beach. This is just so annoying.”
Where does this perspective leave you? Being upset about something you cannot change no matter how hard you try is simply the act of giving away your most precious commodities, your time and energy!
Dancing in The Rain
I brought my GoPro and set it up to video the storm as it rolls in to capture the beautiful imagery from the rain, lighting and clouds. That storm will never be seen again but we will have the video and pictures of it and this vacation forever. Thunderstorms can be more powerful and energizing than a sunny day in many ways if you capture and acknowledge its beauty. Yesterday before dinner we went walking/running on the beach in the rain. It wasn’t 100% planned the first time, but it turned out to be fun and we created a memory to hold onto as we chased each other back up to our cabana.
Challenge 3: This was my Vacation to Explore Belize and Relax in the Sun
“There is nothing to do in this rain. I can’t wait to just sit on the beach with my Pina Colada and be waited on while I bask in the sun. Uhhh, thinking about it just upsets me even more. When will the rain stop?”
You are not the only person who is being affected by the rain. To gain some perspective, get out of your own head and take into consideration how it affects everyone around you as well.
It’s not all about you!
Belize is a popular tourist destination and we are here in the peak season which means most of the local residents are working in or supporting tourism. How do you think they are being affected? Their lively hoods are based off people enjoying the beautiful beaches and weather here. We decided to bring school supplies for the local school and are planning to take a trip to give it to the local children to give back. The resort Beaches and Dreams has been gracious enough to coordinate and help us do this. It is important to remember how blessed we really are and how we affect those around us with our actions and attitudes.
In times of discomfort and challenges you have two basic options. To be positive and push through looking for possibilities or to be negative, shut down and focus on the obstacles. This one decision will determine what your life looks like as the years go on. So, take it upon yourself to cultivate sunshine in your heart and your energy will always be brighten the day!
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